miðvikudagur, maí 16, 2007

Week 6; letters in the mail

Letters have character. These letters are both official, both happy.

Dear Madeleine,
It gives me great pleasure to officially thank you for becoming a blood donor. Blah blah

You may be interested to know that your blood type is O positive and that you share it with 39% of Canadians. Type O blood is like no other, as it is compatible with all positive blood types. Because your blood can be given to so many different people, it's always in demand. I hope your first donation experience was a positive one and that you will donate regularly, because there is always someone in need.

My experience wasn't too positive.. I fainted. So I'm gonna have to start working out A LOT for the next time. They gave me a blood donor card too!!! yaaay

Letter #2

Dear Madeleine

Congratulations on being an awards recipient at the 80th Annual Peel Music Festival; your high level of performance was noted by the adjudicator who has recommended you. I am sure that you worked hard to achieve this goal, and I trust that you, your parents and your teacher will be pleased with this well-deserved reward.

Blah blah blah

So Nervous Adjudicator liked my playing. yay.

In all the stress of DOING STUFF AUGH it is nice to have something happy happen.

7 ummæli:

Darryl sagði...

Many congratulations.
I'm A pos.


kathleen sagði...

How old do you have to be to donate blood? 18 right? or younger? I want to donate blood... I'm not sure how well I will be able to stand it though...

and that's sweet about your music festival award! congrats!

Darryl sagði...


Madeleine sagði...

I had this whole plan that on my 18th birthday I would give blood for the first time, and become a Big Sister. I was horrified when I found out the youngest age for giving blood is 17, as Darryl said.
You would probably be fine Kathleen. You're quite the active one... I play cello.

Abram sagði...

wow blogs just randomly pop up life mushrooms in a humid climate.

Yeahy cello!!

Wow blood type O. I wish I was that cool. That basically makes you a superh(i)ro.

Jonathan sagði...

falling behind?...

Madeleine sagði...

stupid play/isus/world issues/finding a job