sunnudagur, maí 06, 2007

Week 5; friends

Thought I'd tell you about a great friend of mine, on the off chance that he might come across this sometime. If he does, ah well, he knows I like him a lot already. I wouldn't take the time to write a blog all about him otherwise. Hehehe
We kind of got to know each other at the beginning of grade 11. Chemistry and the service trip, and then wow bang msn. I think we're both more comfortable talking about things when we have time to think up good responses, because we started talking about all the important things on msn. We discussed our loves, hates, fears, we argued about politics, and theology, and ways of dealing with everyday frustrations. We laugh at silly things, such as imagining if ducks could moo. Think about it. It is great. Hahahahahaha I still laugh at it.
He is very sarcastic and cynical though most of the time he is really really good at being a genuinely loving and caring person. He seems to enjoy irony except when something ironic happens to him. Speaking of which, he gets himself into hilarious, strange, and complicated situations ALL the time. I don't know how he does it.
It seems as though he doesn't understand the politics that are hidden behind many peoples' friendships, which is probably a good thing because I never really understood it either. He is very sensitive to thoughts, ideas, feelings, concepts. He is good at contemplating life. He is sooooo open to learning about new things, it is uncanny. Actually, he is a good teacher too. He thinks up good difficult questions.

hah. I just realized I put earphones on when I began to write this, but forgot to put music on.
I hope this doesn't sound way too sentimental and over the top. I'm trying to be truthful.

How many people do you know who have completely turned around the way you see something? He has done this to me too many times to count. Sometimes it frustrates me that he is such a cool person.

3 ummæli:

Jonathan sagði...

i get the feeling that i know this individual. but then again maybe i don't. i have my suspicions though...

Madeleine sagði...

hah you're probably right.
i thought id keep people speculating though.

Andy sagði...

i know. i think.