þriðjudagur, nóvember 24, 2009

the coolness factor

Been thinking a lot recently about the things I layer myself with to add to my coolness factor. This summer for the first time in years I was no longer the token cellist (one of my co-workers is doing her masters in performance), and this gave me a whole summer to come to terms with the fact that I put things in front of me to keep myself from.. getting hurt I guess. Since about grade 7 or 8 I've basically introduced myself thus: "Hello my name is Madeleine and I play the cello." It's like I can't deal with only being Madeleine. I have to use what I do to explain who I am. I think this comes from not being very good at small talk - always been a bit shy. But also I think I'm partially scared that I'm not cool enough just on my own. I do this with other things as well, not just cello. Knitting, wearing strange clothes, changing my hairstyle, my moral beliefs, etc. All for the sake of self promotion. I think to an extent I even use the guise of humbleness/a call for simplicity to appear cooler. Very ironic.
At some point, I am going to have to either get rid of this self-promotion thing(as much I can) or, now that I'm aware of this, consciously decide to keep it along with whatever level of cool it comes with. The latter decision being a pretty stupid one. I've prided myself in not being scared of change, but then I've never had to change much. The point has come, though, and I'd rather not be a coward.
The skill comes in learning to ask and listen to others, find the common interest or whatever, and then making the personal connection. Does this make sense?

þriðjudagur, nóvember 10, 2009

Music.. being in a group, dancing!, writing, and throwing caution to the winds...
I've been told that laid back-ness and not liking schedules is part of my personality and simply something I have to deal with, but I'm not happy with that answer. I just need to practice. And I think I need to make a list. Already I can think of three things I need to focus on: Kirk Franklin, Velvet Underground, and knitting.