þriðjudagur, apríl 21, 2009

here is where i'm at; gargantuan moments of self-reflection to follow

All my life I've been considered incredibly independent. But what I've realized is that I have been completely dependent on other people making me angry. As long as someone else is telling me what to do, I thrive by doing the opposite, or doing more than they thought possible. I've always had something to prove. So for the past couple years as society simply expects me to get on with life on my own without the challenge of being told what to do, I have been sinking. I've been waiting for something to happen to me, rather than figuring out what I want to happen, and working for it. I have nothing to fight against except myself, and that fight gets boring very fast.
Starting now, I am going to look for my fire and work my ass off to get what I want.
I have always loved this line "Though she be but little, she be fierce."
What do I want?
I have to figure that one out too.

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