fimmtudagur, nóvember 13, 2008


knowing that your smile throws a guy off guard is a good feeling
i have a mandate. (right word? not sure)
i'm a bit disappointed in myself right now. my steam is running low.
i know what i'm getting my brother for his birthday :D
is anyone else worried that there will be no summer jobs for students next year?

6 ummæli:

Rachel sagði...

why would there be no summer jobs?

Jessica sagði...

It's going to be hard to find a job for anybody these days.

Something like 200,000 jobs were eliminated in the last economic quarter?

... or maybe that's not what you were referring to.

And which brother?

Madeleine sagði...

yeah thats exactly right - thousands of job losses before may means we will be competing with ppl twice our age & double the experience for the lowest paying jobs.

the littler one

Jessica sagði...

So yeah, that's kind of depressing. Paid internships, I think, are the best way to go for students, since bosses are looking primarily for younger people, and it'll be relevant to your degree and help you in the future. But they're hard to come by.

Anyway, what's your mandate? (something to which you are legally or morally bound to fulfill).

Your robot-word verification thing always makes up the best words --- "Expectu".

Abram sagði...

yeah Waterloo is actually an amazing safety net. it has like the best out of school employment rate in Canada. at least thats what I hear. yeahy for co-op.

yeah steam. hmmm steam. steam steam.

Jessica sagði...

PS: I just noticed that in your favourite music, you mentioned "Les Cowboys Fringant" ---- GOOD JOB.

This time, the robot word generator is "Cadro"