mánudagur, nóvember 10, 2008

i'm realizing that i really need to play more music and write more. i really miss it and i'm realizing how therapeutic it was.

5 ummæli:

dried sagði...

that's right you'd better play more! Did I ever send you the finished copy of your and eli's duet?

Jonathan sagði...

i know the feeling. i played my guitar for about a minute today and almost passed out from ecstasy. ugh, i hate school...

Madeleine sagði...

weirdest thing.. last night i dreamed that my cello started coming apart and it was my fault for not playing it enough. and then i got a job at food basics, and my grandma turned up while i was working to tell my that my cat had died.

dried sagði...

if I do end up getting a string instrument, you're gonna have to lecture me on how to take care of it -- I don't want it to fall apart or warp or anything

kathleen sagði...

i feel the same way.