þriðjudagur, maí 27, 2008

So Close

I am about to crack. I wish I knew what I need so I could ask for it.

I am so close. I don't know if cracking is good or bad.
I don't think it matters.

I heard an idea: some people can have such a high density of insanity in them that they are able to function as a sane person on the surface, which makes them incredibly dangerous. For some reason, I can relate to this, but I don't know how.

So close..

1 ummæli:

dried sagði...

that insanity thing will make anyone think they're insane -- there's no real norm of human behaviour or thought processes or anything that you can judge your own against, so it's safest to say everyone's a little insane and we just coordinate that well enough to get along with other people, and call it "uniqueness" and stuff. I think that's what I do, anyways.