föstudagur, febrúar 22, 2008

more maddythoughts

1) I quit my job before I even started. What was I thinking?? I need to practice..

4 ummæli:

dried sagði...

aww but don cherry's kicks major ass.
and thanks for the tip about the sound post, I picked up two books of studies for 36bucksish. One's gotta be good.

and caleb says hi.

Rachel sagði...

why'd you quit?

Madeleine sagði...

bad hours... it was like 30 hours fri-sun, and then from 5 to midnight every weeknight, and i have an audition in two weeks, and it would just have been really stupid for me to take it.

Rachel sagði...

ah. yeah that would suck.

security word: vjeesos.
i like it. i dont know why.