miðvikudagur, febrúar 27, 2008


When peering at my reflection last night, I came to the epiphany that except for the braces, acne, and lack of bust, I'm not all that bad looking.

Thank goodness I haven't turned vain.

6 ummæli:

kathleen sagði...

you are gorgeous!

Rachel sagði...

which is why you appeared in my photography portfolio multiple times!
you be my model, woman!

security word of the day: svxcotrs. is that longer than usual?

Madeleine sagði...

of course at least one photo depicts me as a strapping young man in fully grown moustache.

are you trying to tell me something about my security words?

Jessica sagði...

Maddy, how many times must you be told - you are hot, girl! And you are actually BEAUTIFUL. And don't be like, "Pshaw, nahhhh...", because I don't call many people beautiful and it's not like a "flatter yourself because I think you're beautiful", but it's the truth.
Acne fades to beautiful ivory skin, and braces will go off to reveal a perfect smile. As for the bust issue, there are many perfectly good bras that do the trick :P
So don't be one of THOSE girls.

Nafnlaus sagði...

I like to look at myself in the mirror, wink, and say, "Hey firecracker. Raawr." But keep that to yourself.

Madeleine sagði...

i promise i'll never tell anyone that. you can trust me

lol i am actually undecided as to whether or not you are joking. i can imagine you doing that.