sunnudagur, nóvember 25, 2007

my pet peeve

i have one thing that really bugs me in the world. just one.

i HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE it when you ask a question, and the person you're asking looks at you like you are a complete idiot for asking such a stupid question. i HATE it when you are leading into saying something deep and important, and someone laughs at you before you can finish. i HATE it when people judge you before they have even met you.


i guess thats three pet peeves, but they all piss me off equally and they are all related.

if i ever do any of these things, please tell me so i can go kill myself.

3 ummæli:

Jonathan sagði...

that's a little drastic. i'll just tell you and then forgive you, so that you have no reason to kill yourself. that way the world stays a good place to live.

kathleen sagði...

haha i hate those things too. especially the stupid question one. especially when it's a question you really a need an answer to and the person you're asking just looks at you like "why would you ever even ask that?". i understand where you're coming from.

dried sagði...


...I do all of those subconsciously, I'm afraid. Feel free to kill me.