mánudagur, nóvember 26, 2007

book list

to read:

A brief history of time - Stephen Hawking

Discourse on methods and meditations on first philosophy - Descartes

Crime and Punishment - Dostoevsky

The God Who Is There - Francis Shaeffer

Beyond Good and Evil - Friedrich Nietzsche

pretty good list there.. ahhhhhh looking forward to Christmas break

8 ummæli:

Jonathan sagði...

what about Catch-22??? that's waaaay better then any of those books...

Jessica sagði...

This is Jessica!
I have now a blog that I am going to stick to (or you can slap me upside the head if I neglect it).

And, um, I think Fight Club wins.

Madeleine sagði...

hi jess
i will definitely be slapping you if you don't stick to the regular blogging.
is fight club that book that is now a movie with brad pitt? bc i didn't really like the movie.. haha
i'll look into it

they didn't have Catch 22 at the library when i looked.. i dont suppose YOU'VE started it have you jon?

Jessica sagði...

Fight Club is a better book than it is a movie; but I think it's still a great movie.

Hey, hey, Maddy, want to watch Sweeney Todd with me when I'm back in Toronto (the musical downtown, not the movie)?

...and this goes for anyone who reads this and wants to jump along.

Jonathan sagði...

nope, i've been waiting for you Maddy.

and isn't the musical only playing for, like, two more weeks?

Jessica sagði...

Is it???? I'm not entirely sure, I just thought I'd pop home, get the tickets, and... yeah.

Rachel sagði...

i'd love to see sweeney todd... but i dont have the money. *sigh*

Nafnlaus sagði...

sweeney was awesome.

apparently a brief history of time is one of the 'most purchased, least read' books of all time. as in everyone buys it and puts it on their coffee table to look smart and never open it.