mánudagur, febrúar 16, 2009

The weirdest thing about right now is that I resent happy people.... so strange. I have never been much of a resentful person so it is a newish feeling and I don't like it.

My goal is to write one essay today. On the difficulties Pastoral Nomadism faces these days.

So I am down to four minute showers, and well on my way to running 10 k by the end of the year. I'm at 5k in 30 minutes, on a treadmill. Yesterday I attempted to run outside for the first time and it was hell. Ahhhhh - I have six weeks to prepare to run 8k in 45 minutes outside. But I still haven't worked on my last and probably most important new years resolution - to get all my work done during the week so I can actually enjoy Sundays. I am going to work on this one particularly this week.

1 ummæli:

kathleen sagði...

you have great goals.

and sometimes i resent happy people too.