þriðjudagur, febrúar 24, 2009

a conversation on marriage

"It is impossible for me to think about marriage unless I find someone who will let me work in disaster areas."
"Well, you should probably look beyond Toronto. The guys here are wimps."

3 ummæli:

kathleen sagði...


i remember talking to you about this. well not the guys in Toronto being whimps thing... but the marriage thing.

Abram sagði...

This is true. Glad to know I am of the select few not afraid of death. grrr *flexes

no but seriously, I think any male Christian partner with strong convictions should be okay with it because they should have belief in a faithful God. And if something should happen know that you will be taken care of.

*feels like I didn't completely get my point across the way I wanted to. :P oh well

Maddy sagði...

lol the second part was from a conversation with robinson

i do get what you're saying abram, but i think it is pretty normal to want your spouse to stay alive, christian or not.
i don't get your first comment though. are you not from toronto, or do you think you are on my list of possibles? :S hehe