föstudagur, janúar 11, 2008

defn: Humbleness

Humbleness is a logical response to grace in our life.

You realize, My goodness, look what God has done to me! I didn't deserve anything! But see what he's done for me!
And you are overwhelmed with gratitude. Now, when you are filled with gratitude, you are focusing on somebody else, on Jesus, and what he has done for you, and not on yourself. Pride focuses on self. So when you experience grace, automatically the logical response is humility, because you realize, God has been so good to me. Now, because you realize that you don't deserve anything, then everything you get is a bonus, from God. And then you are not angry when someone else gets what you think you should be getting. You are not angry about it, because you know God has been so good to me! He's going to look after me! You are so happy that God has lifted you up, that you have a new aim in life, and that is to lift others up. Just like Jesus lifted me up, now I am going to lift other people up.

Romans 12:10
Outdo one another in showing honour.

You know, this is a very competitive society, and people are trying to push others down so as to go up. What Christians do is the exact opposite. We are competing with people to put them up. We put them up, so that God can be glorified by them. You know, this is the happiest way to live. When people are not a threat to you, it is a happy way to live. You realize, Jesus has lifted me up, and now I am going to lift others up! Let Jesus honor me when he wants to honour me, that's his business. I know he looks after me.

- Ajith Fernando

2 ummæli:

kathleen sagði...

i really enjoyed this post...

i was reading my bible and i was particulary reading the new testament. and i noticed how in so many letters to the church... it continually tells the members to love one another. it struck me one day when i was reading it. it was almost like: "hey, here it is again! telling us to love". it seems like it should be such an obvious thing, and such an obvious observation. but yno, i really do think we all need to be reminded of that.

Abram sagði...

Putting them up gets your friends too, and its a give and take. right? and if they are better in that certain, why would you want to make an enemy of someone who has so much more potetial, why not be part of thier life, so you can rejoice in thier blessing.