miðvikudagur, nóvember 14, 2007

the happy blog

Thought Experiment
Lying in bed one night, I thought, maybe I should just start with myself, lying here, and imagine everything I have and can probably be thankful for. from me outwards. I thought, I'm thankful that I am not in pain, that I am incredibly healthy, that I have a chance to lie here in the quiet, just thinking. Then I thought, I've got a bed with a bouncy mattress, two sets of sheets, a red duvet with matching pillow. I'm warm. I've got my favourite toy, Stanley, and my squishy koala, Big Wolly, and all the happy/eccentric memories that come with them. I've got this warm, fat cat lying on my feet who seems to like me. Then I thought, I've got my own room. A roof, four walls, a glass window with curtains, a door. I'm not wet, and there is no wind. I got to decorate my room, blue and yellow all around. I was allowed to be creative. I've got the chance to make my room incredibly messy, and I get to clean it up, no fuss, when I've got time or when my mum yells at me to do it. I have lavender perfume, eye liner, shadow, facial cream to make me feel more feminine. I am allowed to have an individual style through my clothes, my accessories, my choice of things in my room. I don't have to be a girly girl unless I feel like it. I can close my door, and yell at my wall as much as I want, and no one will yell back at me.
Eventually I fell asleep. And that was just my bedroom.

I wanted to mention that I am going to be polar dipping in Lake Ontario on New Years day for World Vision. I have wanted to do this for YEARS, and finally I've decided to go for it. I would love some support in that you could come and watch me, or wait for the youtube version, or donate, or join me in the lake, or all of these things. Someone pointed out to me that ten friends at 10$ each is 100$. Pretty simple math but it sounded doable, and like quite a lot of cash. :D Further info on this coming soon.

3 ummæli:

Jonathan sagði...

I wonder if anyone would yell back at me if I screamed at the walls here...they sure are thin enough...

Not sure where I'll be on New Years Day. Though right now I'd say I'm about 75% certain it will be nowhere near a freezing cold lake.

Maybe 55%...

dried sagði...

polar dipping? wtf? that sounds dangerous. don't die.

and feel free to link me.

Madeleine sagði...

well if you aren't going to come and support me (because I am going to need as much egging on as possible when i'm standing at the shore), you better be planning on donating to the cause!

hah i'll try not to die dave