mánudagur, mars 26, 2007

Character of the Week

I was going to name this blog "Hero of the Week," thinking I would mooch around to find a hero each week, but they wouldn't let me use that name.. guess its already been done. So I got to thinking, why does it have to be a hero? And why a live person? I read a lot, and every week I am not necessarily going to come across a GREAT hero. So why not make it Interesting Character of the Week?
So that is what I did. This blog is about the characters in my life, not about me.

3 ummæli:

Jonathan sagði...

yay! new blog! what happened to the other two? you shouldn't try to run so many at once, it will overwhelm you. how do you spell overwhelm? it can't be like that. wanna come to my birthday party? ill send you an email invitation soon too, and maybe ask you in person even. i don't know why im typing all this stuff here. its like im high on sugar right now, but im not. in fact, im rather sleepy. its getting late, and i have birthday stuff to start planning. april 7th.

i like this blog. i would have liked it better if it had just been heroes. like superheroes, cause i like superheroes. but characters are cool too. so long as some of them are still superheroes. like spiderman. (haha, stanley, it took me a little while to get that one. good one maddy.)


kathleen sagði...

hey madeleine!! nice to see you around here! yeesss! so i'm assuming your maddie from new testament class? yess..

character of the week. that's interesting for sure! haha. it'll be neat to see all the different boooks you read, and also if you have read any of the same as me! anyhow. i'll see you around :).


(oh and yes, "your secret admirer" appears on everybody's blog)

Madeleine sagði...

yaaaay birthdays!!!!!!!! i would LOVE to come, i love birthdays! hehe i know what im gonna get you. is this birthday gonna be in berrie? :S

well sometimes it will be heros.. but characters is good because it includes a broader group. if someone interests or intrigues me, i'll talk about them.

lol the stanley thing.. i don't actually read comic superhero books or anything.. someone told me about the same name thing in like grade 5 and i was obviously indignant. thats my grandad/teddy they were talking about.

yepp im maddy from new testament! im actually loving that class, what about you? its weird though, because there is so much of it i can relate to my world issues class.