föstudagur, október 24, 2008

Words to live by

You're never too old to be told off by a park-keeper.


On another note:
A good dose of Heajin solves all my problems (temporarily anyways).
Legally Cosmopolitan. :D

miðvikudagur, október 22, 2008

I am having a bad week.

fimmtudagur, október 16, 2008

flush flush

I'm trying to get rid of all the extra stuff I've filled my life with.
I want to become someone I can look up to.
I'm ironically trying to be quieter.

mánudagur, október 06, 2008

environmental science

our agricultural activity is not sustainable.

goats can climb trees, but sometimes they fall
'baaaaah'     *thump*

miðvikudagur, október 01, 2008


Contrary to popularity, rather than becoming who I thought I would be when I was this age I've  actually reverted back to my five-year-old self, minus the temper-tantrums.

in some ways this makes me happy