þriðjudagur, nóvember 10, 2009

Music.. being in a group, dancing!, writing, and throwing caution to the winds...
I've been told that laid back-ness and not liking schedules is part of my personality and simply something I have to deal with, but I'm not happy with that answer. I just need to practice. And I think I need to make a list. Already I can think of three things I need to focus on: Kirk Franklin, Velvet Underground, and knitting.

3 ummæli:

Rachel sagði...

so i just realized that your blog (on my bloglist) doesnt seem to tell me when you've posted anymore.

Maddy sagði...

mmm i did notice that. no idea why that happens. when are you next in toronto? i'd like to come visit in sjt when you are around :)

Rachel sagði...

i'll let you know when i know! possibly in two weeks!