yeah so these weeks are a little uneven. i never said they'd be one after the other, although come to think of it, i think i did say that. anyways, i've been trying to figure out how i'd properly describe my time in montreal. i think animated shorts and incorrigible lone sentences work best.
The Whale Factory ~ my home away from home
For approximately four out of six weeks, I was living with some people.. Fred (the history major and Harry Potter FAN I may have talked about earlier), Evan & Maggie, and Colin. Evan and Maggie are vegetarians. They just graduated from McGill, and are GLAD TO BE DONE WOOT. They rubbed it in whenever they got the chance. I felt so small and inexperienced around them. Haha I'm mostly joking. Boing. Evan is weird, but very friendly in a non-scary way. I like both his and Maggie's taste in music. Colin is into neuroscience and computer games, and he eats a lot of meat.
The actual house.. well my key to get in didn't work well at all, so every day leaving the house and getting in would take about 15 minutes of fiddling with the (not one, no, but TWO) doors to get in or out. The living room was nice, and went from being white to deeply deeply yellow. It was the Happy Room, it was so yellow. The kitchen was very blue. It was a big kitchen too. I did a lot of cooking in there. Then the bathroom with the very smelly cat litter in it, and my bedroom beside that. My bedroom was covered in stuff most of the time because my personal schedule was kind of whacky.
There are two cats currently living in The Whale Factory. Mr. Tom, and Leah.
Tune in next time.